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Who is "Starlit" for?
This is a movie for anyone who's been called their family's wild child.
This is a movie for people who've been told they need to focus.
This is a movie for people who are still getting lectures from their parents or judgy older siblings way past the age they figured those would stop.
This is a movie for dreamers.
This is a movie for people who are finding their passion.
This is a movie for people who love stargazing, nature, long hikes, swimming holes and mountain peaks.
This is a movie for people who follow their heart.
"Evolution intended us to be travelers…
Settlement for any length of time, in cave or castle, has at best been… a drop in the ocean of evolutionary time."
- The Anatomy of Restlessness
"La evolución nos destino a ser viajeros…
El asentamiento por cualquier período de tiempo, en una cueva o en un castillo, en el mejor de los casos ha sido… una gota en el océano del tiempo evolutivo."
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